Paris – the Apple of my Eye! The Nina Rouge Experience

Oh, Paris… oras al iubirii! Oras al luminilor!

Un oras complicat si seducator, un adevarat loc de contopire a tot ceea ce provoaca vibratii romantice si sentimente easy-going🎈💄👠💋
Dupa cum poate ati vazut deja acum cateva saptamani in postarile si story-urile mele, in luna septembrie am avut ocazia sa ma simt din nou ca o adevarata “Missy” franceza 👗 pentru cateva zile, in timpul petrecut la Paris alaturi de frumoasa Sandra Bendre, in aventura descoperirii misterioasei Nina Rouge 🙂

Povestea a inceput chiar in camera noastra de hotel de la Hotel des Grands Boulevards – o cladire impresionanta in stil Louis XVI, ridicata pe vremea Revolutiei Franceze si construita pe temelia unei vechi gradini. Sentimentul romantic si aristocratic al locului a setat intr-adevar tonul si dispozitia potrivite pentru a ne pregati de ceea ce urma sa se intample. Asa ca intreg scenariul a fost perfect pentru a ne conduce in atmosfera calatoriei Nina Ricci.

Asa cum s-a intamplat si anul trecut cand am fost la Paris cu Nina Ricci (gasiti mai multe aici), am gasit invitatiile noastre la eveniment asezate meticulos pe pat. Un sentiment atat de elegant si primitor!

Dar lasati-ma sa va duc repede-inainte ⏩🕗 si sa va iau cu mine la petrecerea de lansare! Prima impresie – OMG! Locatia era atat de draguta! Restaurantul Apicius – parte a hotelului Schneider – un conac cu adevarat somptuos din secolul al XVIII-lea, cu un parc / gradina asa de boem si seren in partea din fata.
Si vorbind despre experienta gastronomica – ce oare mai bun este de asteptat din partea unui local cu stea Michelin !? Preparate moderne cu inspiratie franceza, dintre cele mai elegante, gustoase si inventive.

Petrecerea a fost organizata atat in ​​exterior, in gradina, cat si in incaperile din interior. Toate decorurile din diferitele zone si toate spatiile amenajate au fost cu adevarat de vis si fabuloase, pana la cele mai mici detalii, o adevarata experienta imersiva in minunata lume Nina Rouge. Iti gadilau toate simturile cu adevarat. De la accentele vizuale rosii si pana la merele butaforice si baloanele mari si pana la arhitectura si specificul atat de parizian al locatiei totul era uimitor (marmura, candelabre de cristal si mobilier vintage francez incluse in pachet 🙂 )
Pot spune ca, cu siguranta, acest eveniment Nina Ricci a trecut pe lista mea in top evenimente sociale preferate la care am participat pana acum!

La fel de irezistibil precum un fruct interzis … o revenire la origini 🍎

Cateva ganduri si detalii rapide despre acest nou parfum: ROUGE este noul parfum lansat de casa Nina Ricci – un parfum romantic, ce are o compoziție florala, fructata si usor gourmanda, fiind creat de renumitul parfumer francez Olivier Cresp. Sticla in forma de mar (care are chiar si o muscatura pe ea) este absolut draguta! Acoperita toata cu lac glossy rosu aprins! Plina de indrazneala si seductie.

Intotdeauna mi-a placut sa stiu toate notele si influentele secrete din spatele unui parfum, in acest caz fiind vorba de zmeura si citron ca note de top, Gardenie si floarea de ghimbir ca note de centru si o nota de baza de bourbon vanilla si caramel. Dar sa incetam! Suna delicios, stiu!

Vreau sa o mentionez si pe Estella Boersma – imaginea parfumului Rouge – care a fost si ea evident prezenta la petrecere. De fapt, peste tot era plin de atat de multi oameni faini din intreaga lume, atat din industria modei, dar si din media, bloggeri, etc! Ne-am facut chiar si o noua amica – Gaby Gomez din Mexic – Este o fata atat de simpatica!

Si am lasat partea cea mai interesanta pentru la urma – A doua zi dupa evenimentului de revealing, am avut placerea sa il intalnim in persoana pe Olivier Cresp, o adevarata legenda in domeniu, parfumierul francez care a dezvoltat Nina Rouge si care a semnat alte sute de parfumuri celebre, inclusiv multe din gama N.R.
Istoria familiei lui Olivier Cresp este adanc inradacinata in industria parfumurilor, atat bunicul cat si tatal sau petrecandu-si amandoi viata in orasul Grasse, Franta, cumparand si vanzand ingrediente si materiale naturale folosite pentru fabricarea parfumului. Chiar si sora sa – Françoise Caron – este, de asemenea, un cunoscut coleg parfumier.

In cadrul intalnirii am avut ocazia unica de a ii pune tot felul de intrebari lui Olivier, iar acesta ne-a impartasit multe din experienta si cunostintele sale. L-am intrebat chiar cum a fost procesul de creare al acestui parfum: in acest caz am inteles ca a pornit de la sticla in forma de mar care a venit cu noul parfum. Am vrut totodata sa aflu de la el de unde isi culege inspiratia? avdn in vedere ca primul sau parfum a fost realizat prin 1985. Il apreciez atat de mult pe el ca persana si profesionist si admir munca sa… pentru ca multe dintre parfumurile semnate de el se afla si in colectia mea de acasa.

Una peste alta Parisul a fost intr-adevar o grozavie! Un pic din toate – raul Sena si sunt podurile sale, bulevardele zbuciumate si stradutele romantice linistite si cochete, cafenelele si Croque Madame-urile, croissante si baghete, gradinile si parcurile romantice, majestuosul turn Eiffel si cartierul Montmartre… si toate chestiile in between!

Cred ca Sandra Bendre si cu mine am facut o echipa super buna si suntem recunoscatoare pentru toate amintirile si momentele frumoase, cat si pentru tot content-ul frumos pe care l-am creat acolo.
Chiar voi tine aceasta experienta aproape de inima mea!

Va pup ! 💋

Oh Paris… the City of Love! La Ville-Lumière!

An intricate and seductive city, a melting pot of everything that immediately elicits romantic vibes and languishing feelings.🎈💄👠💋
As you perhaps saw a few weeks ago in my posts and stories, in September I had the opportunity to feel again like a true french Missy 👗 for a couple of days, during the time spent in Paris along beautiful Sandra Bendre, in our trip to discover the misterious Nina Rouge 🙂

The story started right in our hotel room at Hotel des Grands Boulevards – an amazing Louis XVI style building, erected in the times of the French Revolution and built on the foundation of an old garden. The romantic and aristocratic-like feeling of the place really set the right tone and mood, as if to prepare us for those about to happen. So the set was just perfect to lead us into the atmosphere of the Nina Ricci journey.

As it also happened last year when we were in Paris with Nina Ricci (find more here) we found our Event Invitations placed tidily on our beds! Such a welcoming and classy feeling.

Let me Fast Forward ⏩🕗 a little and take you with me to the Revealing Party! First impression – OMG! The location was so pretty! Apicius Restaurant – part of  Schneider Hotel – a truly sumptuous 18th Century mansion with a really serene park/garden in front. And talking about the gastronomic experience – what less would you expect from a Michelin Star Restaurant!? Modern French cuisine at its finest: elegant, tasty and inventive.

The party was set up both outside in the garden, and also in the inside rooms. All the decors in the different areas and all the setup-spaces were really dreamy and fabulous, a real immersive experience in the Nina Rouge wonderland. It really tickled all your senses, from the visual Red accents and metaphorical big apples and balloons to all the amazing location’s french architecture and decor (marble, chandeliers and french furnishings included) – everything was so much fun and energetic, so i can say that definitely this Nina Ricci Event made it to my Top List of favourite social parties so far! 

As irresistible as a forbidden fruit … a return to its origins 🍎

Some quick thoughts and insights about this new fragrance: ROUGE is the new release of Nina Ricci fashion house – a romantic scent that has a floral, fruity and gourmand composition, being created by renowned French perfumer Olivier Cresp. The apple-shaped bottle (which has a bite in in!) is absolutely cute! All covered in bright red lacquer! Daring and seductive.

I always like to know all the secret notes and influences behind a fragrance, in this case it’s Raspberry and Citron as top notes, Gardenia and Ginger Flower as heart notes and a base note of Bourbon Vanilla & Caramel.
Stop it! It sounds delicious, i knooow!

I also want to mention cute Estella Boersma – the image of Nina – that was also there at the party. In fact it was full of many beautiful people from all over the world, from fashion world, media industries, bloggers, etc! We also made a new friend – Gaby Gomez from Mexico – she’s such a lovely girl! 

I left the most amazing part for last – The day after the revealing event we had the pleasure to meet Olivier Cresp himself, a true legend in the fragrance world, the French perfumer who developed Nina Rouge and hundreds of many other famous perfumes, including many in the N.R range.
Olivier Cresp’s family history is deeply rooted in the perfume industry. His grandfather and father both lived in in Grasse, France and spent their lives buying and selling natural raw ingredients and materials used for making perfume. His sister – Françoise Caron – is also a notorious fellow Perfumer.

During the meeting we had the unique opportunity to ask him all sorts of questions and he shared with us a lot of his knowledge and know-how.

I got to ask him how was the process of creating this fragrance: in this case he first saw the Apple-shaped bottle that came back with the new perfume. I also wanted to know from him where does he draw his inspiration from? Since his first perfume was made in `85. I so appreciate him and his work..and many of his signature perfumes are sitting in my collection at home.

Paris was a blast indeed! A little bit of everything – The Seine river and it’s bridges, the buzzing boulevards and the quiet little chic romantic streets, the Cafes and the Croque Madames, Croissants and baguettes, the romantic gardens and parks, the majestic Eiffel Tower, the Montmartre and… all that jazz!

I think  Sandra Bendre and I made such an amazing girl-team and we’re so grateful for all the french-affair memories and moments and for all the beautiful content that we got to shoot there.
I’m really gonna keep this one close to my heart!

Gros Bisous! 💋

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