Trebuie sa recunosc ca am fost prima data la Oradea saptamana trecuta si am ramas placut surprinsa de peisajul arhitectural al acestui oras minunat si de caldura oamenilor de acolo. When to Go: Oradea este…
Posts tagged flowers
11 Things To Do on a City Break in Porto
Porto has been on My Wish List for a Long Time I first visited Portugal three years ago and I immediately fell in love with this stunningly romantic country. It’s the place where my husband…
O oaza tropicala 🌸 in inima capitalei
The City – Sharing some Daily Inspiration Imi place sa impartasesc cu voi despre toate lucrurile si locurile frumoase pe care le descopar accidental in rutina mea cotidiana!Se face ca de data aceasta locul despre…
Giorgio Armani Fragrances & Beauty ♡ 1 An in Romania
Giorgio Armani: Eyes to Kill Nu cred ca exista femeie care sa nu fie atrasa de produsele de beauty Haute Couture sau Luxury Prêt-à-Porter, sau care sa nu-si fi dorit sa incerce, macar o data,…
Hunting for Good Coffee in Bucharest
☕ Coffee Lovers of Bucharest, Unite! There’s a new generation of baristas and coffee consumers that are radically changing Bucharest’s coffee scene. Traveling a lot and being a knowledgeable and enthusiastic coffee aficionado, I’ve been…
Sandra x Lemnia
One Bag. Always Different. I discovered Lemnia as being a one of a kind bag. A unique, modern and stylish design, handcrafted from real wood and leather. A real princess’s jewel case 🙂 Lemnia is…
Sandra x IUTTA
Me & Puffin I had a colorful autumn alongside Puffin – my new orange backpack from Iutta. Innovatively designed using quality leather and excellent craftsmanship skills, Iutta reinterprets the classic bags with stylish folk-inspired designs and symbols,…